Monday, March 7, 2016

Weight Loss Tea

Drink one cup in the morning and one cup at night...
• Half a cinnamon stick
• 1 tablespoon of honey
• 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1. Place the cinnamon stick in a small saucepan containing a little more than a cup of water.
2. Boil over medium heat for 5-10 minutes.
3. Strain the mixture through a paper coffee filter and pour into a large mug.
4. Add the lemon and honey and stir until well combined.
5. Enjoy!
Honey has a much more positive effect on the blood sugar and cholesterol levels compared to any other sweeteners.
It also contains vital enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and polyphenols. These keep your digestive system healthy and inflammation-free, which supports your weight loss efforts by increasing the energy you get from your food and preventing cravings.
Honey also works by activating hormones that cause a feeling of satiety and suppress appetite.
Lemon juice contains lots flavanoids and vitamin C, which strengthen the immune system and wards off oxidative stress, which can cause inflammation.
In fact, a Japanese study found that lemon polyphenols suppressed diet-induced body weight gain and body fat accumulation.
Lemons help improve insulin sensitivity, which helps keep your body in fat burning zone. They also boost your metabolism and slow down starch digestion to prevent fat storage.
Cinnamon increases insulin sensitivity and stabilizes blood sugar levels to fight off cravings. It also helps control cholesterol levels to improve blood flow to your muscles as you exercise and lose weight.

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