Saturday, December 20, 2014

Taralli all'Uovo

Taralli all'Uovo
Egg Taralli - light, crispy and sweet! A very old tradition to make ...
6 Eggs
1 1/4 Lbs Flour
1/2 Tsp Baking powder
1/4 Cup Olive oil
1/4 Cup White wine
1 Lb Sugar
3/4 Cup Water
In the bowl of a stand mixer put all the liquids. Mix well.
Add the flour and mix well until all the ingredients are well amalgamated.
Cut a chunk of dough about the size of a baseball and pass it the pasta roller attachment of your stand mixer. Repeat the process 20 times for each piece to ensure that the dough is well mixed and all the air bubbles are removed. If you are not using a stand mixes, you need to knead the dough VERY WELL.
Roll the dough into an 8 inch round stick and about 1/2 tick. Unite and press both ends to form a round tarallo. Make all your taralli.
Take a few taralli at the time and boil them in water. When you place the taralli in the boiling water they will sink to the bottom of the pan and may tend to stick to the bottom. With a wooden spoon, move them gently to remove them from the bottom. When they come up to the surface, remove them from the water and put them on a white cloth to dry.
Take each Tarallo and with a sharp blade make an incision of about 1/4"+ on the outside edge of the Tarallo. Then place the cut Taralli on a flat oven grill rack and bake them for 7 mins. at 475F. Then lower the temperature to 420F and continue baking them for an additional 30 mins. until they turn lightly
After you have baked all your taralli, make your icing by melting the water and sugar in a pot over the stove, stir and let the water boil. Once the water boils, continue stirring and, once you stop stirring and the bubbles do not disappear from the surface (about 5 mins.), the icing is ready. Put 5 spoons of liquid in a steel bowl, add 4 taralli at the time and tumble them with a wooden spoon several times until they get coated with the icing. Pour the taralli on a wood board. Repeat the process for the remaining taralli and pour them on top of the other taralli. Leave them to dry for several hours until the icing is completely dry and turns white.
These are one my families favorites....

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