Thursday, June 18, 2015

Donut Upside Down Cake

I was searching the archives for an upside down cake when I found this image!  It's a donut upside down cake, made with our a raised donut mix.  I made some one day.  Took them downstairs to the store and people went crazy over them. 

I don't have a write-up or a tested recipe but I can tell you how to make them. 

#1.  Mix the donut dough.  Use a "Daily Dozen" raised donut mix.  Mix according to package directions and then set it aside to rise.

#2. Put the fruit and brown sugar mixture in round pan or a heavy skillet.  Lay the fruit on the bottom.  Melt 1/4 cup butter and mix it with 1 cup of brown sugar.  Spread the sugar mixture over the fruit.

#3.  Form donut balls and place them over the brown sugar.  No need to get fancy here.  The dough is going to squish together.  Let the dough rise again and double in size, maybe 45 minutes in a warm kitchen. 

#4.  Bake it!  Use a 350 degree oven.  I don't remember how long--every pan would differ anyway.  It's like baking a pan of dinner rolls so maybe 20 to 25 minutes.

#5.  Turn it out on a serving platter.  You're going to have a lot of melted sugar and syrup in your pan.  Let it sit until it starts to cool and thicken a little, maybe 5 to 8 minutes.  Don't let it sit too long or you won't be able to get it out of the pan.

Place a serving platter over the pan facedown.  Invert the pan and platter together.  The cake should fall onto the platter with a plop.  Drain or scrape the remaining goo onto the cake.  (If you let the cake sit too long, drop the pan and platter together from six inches up so that the cake pops out.)

Call the kids or sweetheart.  It's best warm.  Make sure they don't take it all.
Message me to order my raised donut mix…It's Soooo Goooddd!!!

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