Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Fresh Peach Fritters

This recipe is easily adapted to large groups!  ! Amounts below are per person.  I made some just using two peaches this morning for Bill & I ….

1 ripe peach (or nectarine) 
1 egg 
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1 Tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Apricot jam or preserves, 1 jar per 8-12 people
butter for cooking (start with a stick, may need to add more for large amounts)

Wash peach(es). Over a bowl, cut the peach in half, twist to loosen from pit, letting juices drip into the bowl. Discard the pits. Cut into smaller pieces, until they are the size you like! I usally cut them about a half inch dice. The skin is easily removed during this process. Sprinkle the sugar over the cut up peach(es). In a separate small bowl, crack open your egg(s), and add vanilla. Wisk together lightly with fork, add to peach(es) who have now released their juices. Stir gently, sprinkle flour over this, and stir some more, until the peach pieces are coated.  Place a good skillet/fry pan on medium heat, add butter until it melts and is hot, but don't let the butter scorch.  Using a scoop or just a quarter cup measuring cup, place the thick fruit filled batter in the pan and cover for a few minutes, checking on the browning taking place. My mother used to add a little milk to aid in browning.  You may also add a small amount of baking powder, about 1/4 teaspoon Per Cup Of Flour Used, if you want them a little more puffy.  Turn the fritters over, and brown on the other side.  Remove from pan, checking a fritter to see if it's cooked through.  Add apricot jam and a Tablespoon of water to a microwavable bowl or glass measuring cup. Heat in microwave.  Serve over the fritters.

A salty meat is a nice balance served with the sweet/tangy of the fritters.  (a perfect excuse for BACON!!!)

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